Many friends have been asking about valuable experiences and advice on investment. It's a difficult topic to address because investment advice varies from person to person. However, there are still many fundamental principles that apply to everyone. After much thought, I have summarized these 40 points:
1. Do not easily believe the so-called insider information you think you know; if you know it, then there must be many others who are aware of it as well.
2. If you notice many people around you starting to trade stocks, be cautious.
3. The most reliable investment is in yourself; improving your knowledge and wisdom is more important than anything else.
4. Retail investors are not advised to invest large sums in stock trading due to the high risk involved. If you want to participate in market opportunities, index funds are more recommended.
5. Making a fortune through speculation, trickery, or gambling is difficult. Do not play with probabilities, as most people cannot afford the stakes.
6. Understanding the importance of delayed gratification is crucial, not only in investing but also in life.
7. Returns and risks are always proportional; never trust products that advertise high returns with low risks.
8. It is best to invest with funds that you do not need for a period of time. If investing affects your daily life, it is truly unnecessary.
9. Both technical analysis and fundamental analysis are viable approaches, but becoming obsessed with either can lead to extremes.10 Avoid engaging in usurious lending; the schemes involved are deeper than you might think.
11 It's important to allocate assets reasonably; don't concentrate all your assets in a single investment.
12 Never underestimate the power of compound interest.
13 There's really no need to listen to stock commentary.
14 Understanding indicators is good, but you don't need to learn too many of them.
15 Don't get obsessed with catching stock price limits; it can lead to significant losses.
16 For investments like P2P, it's best not to participate, even in platforms you trust.
17 You can never become a master through simulated trading; the real market is hard to replicate.
18 Try not to be a spendthrift in life; saving money every month isn't as difficult as it seems.19. Try not to use a credit card if you can avoid it.
20. Avoid asking others about their stock or fund purchases, as everyone's situation is different and what works for them may not be replicable for you.
21. Hobbies can be profitable; if you have the ability, you can try to achieve multiple income streams through your hobbies.
22. Rational consumption is a form of earning money; controlling the desire to spend is very important.
23. The essence of financial investment is still to improve life; do not reverse priorities, otherwise, you may lose more.
24. For real estate investment, prime locations in first-tier cities still have certain value preservation and appreciation significance.
25. For your monthly salary, save first, then spend.
26. The methods of masters in making money may not be suitable for you; you need to adapt their methods to your own to make them effective.
27. Try to avoid futures trading; even if you are good at stocks, the waters of futures are very deep.28 Three places that are prone to producing "leeks" (victims in the financial context): 1. Stock market; 2. Pyramid schemes and Ponzi schemes; 3. Illegal financial management.

29 If you have children, you can start cultivating their financial concepts early on.
30 Treat investment and financial management as a lifelong career, not as a means to get rich overnight.
31 The greatest risk is not when everyone is fearful, but when everyone believes the risk is minimal.
32 The future is unpredictable, but we can be prepared.
33 What's important is not outperforming the market in a bull market, but outperforming it in a bear market.
34 Do not invest with borrowed money! Do not invest with borrowed money! Do not invest with borrowed money!
35 If you have limited investment experience, try to only make investments within your capabilities and avoid using leverage.
36 Developing rational consumption habits is itself a very good way of managing finances.37. Investment should not only involve stopping losses but also taking profits, and sometimes taking profits is even more important than stopping losses.
38. Having a low income is not a reason to avoid financial management; if you earn less, you can save less, and if you earn more, you can save more.
39. In investment, there are three key abilities: (1) the ability to learn continuously, (2) the ability to think independently, and (3) the ability to remain patient.
40. Bookmark and share this article, and revisit it from time to time.
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